Week 5 - Layering Conditions

This week I was interested in  investigation perception through layering in a conceptual design.

And I thought of how perception can inform people through active participation. The layering was an idea that proximity could influence people through a dynamic interface. Whereby what is going on in one space affects what occurs in another space and consequently what occurs in yet another space. So the space is alive in the truest sense of the word

I thought this could be achieved with attention to acoustics, visual cues, scents.

So in this instance I wanted to create architecture that was only going to be whole when the people engaged with it

By creating Layers you can have a situation whereby every section of the building is variable and distinct

This concept is filtering aspects of the city that are sought such as sounds, views, smells and perhaps even physical elements rather than simply identifying it.

Even the elements such as sunlight, ventilation etc can be filtered between the layers.

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